Extract from our references
“For the increasingly important topic of mental health in the workplace, SALUTION offers a valid and future-proof product that is easy to use across all industries.”
(Prof. Dr. Volker Nürnberg, expert for occupational health management)
“Very well thought-out and practice-oriented concept.”
(Johann Rieder, Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH)
“The SALUTION concept presented to me offers added value that goes far beyond the legal requirements. It gives decision-makers a highly effective tool with which they can tackle one of the most urgent tasks of modern HR work in a targeted manner: Maintaining and promoting the mental health of their own employees.”
(Dr. med Felix Boullay, Head of Occupational Health Department, MAN Energy Solutions)

Simple, meaningful & comprehensive
Our company name is composed of “Solution” and “Salutogenesis” – a term that goes back to the famous sociologist Antonovsky and describes factors for the development and maintenance of health. We support your company in maintaining the health of your employees and managers, reducing stress levels and retaining your employees in the long term.
Compact, clear and relevant to action
Our offer includes three options:
On the one hand, we offer all necessary steps of a psychological risk assessment (PRA) in accordance with § 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act as well as support in deriving measures with action workshops (§ 4) and the documentation of results (§ 6) an.
Secondly, our prediction module uses a short employee survey to predict how your employees’ stress levels, state of health and turnover intention will develop over the next year. Based on the results, which we will be happy to explain to you in a presentation of the results, we can show you specifically where there is a need for action in terms of working conditions. We are happy to support you in implementing the necessary measures with workshops and coaching sessions. In this way, you can act early to preserve the health of your employees and avoid subsequent costs due to lost productivity, sick days and fluctuation.
Last but not least, in our manager module we measure the specific stresses of managers with questions that have been specially developed and validated for the special working conditions of this group of people.
And we do not leave you alone in this: throughout the project we advise and support you with any questions and problems.

Valid, meaningful & comprehensible
The psychological risk assessment (PRA), our prediction module and our manager module are based on an online survey of your employees. Both methods use a questionnaire that was specially developed and validated for conducting a PRA (http://www.mehq.de). Our prediction module determines how the current working conditions in your company will affect your employees’ health status, turnover intention and stress levels over the next year. From the results provided, the relevant need for action can be seen at a glance.
Competent, experienced and solution-oriented
We are experts in mental health
In addition to our expertise in psychological risk assessment in the workplace, together we have more than 30 years of experience in employee surveys and workshops on the topic of “mental health at work”.

With our cooperation partner, the SCREEN Groupwe are expanding our portfolio with great expertise in the training sector:

With the slogan “WE EMPOWER PEOPLE”, the SCREEN Group has been advising, training and coaching people in a professional context for over 40 years. Over 200 permanently employed trainers and consultants work on organizational and personnel development projects for SCREEN Group clients.
More offers
Susanne Weber, ergoimpuls, has been advising industrial and administrative companies throughout Germany on ergonomic workplace design issues for 30 years.
Service by ergoimpuls:
An ergonomically correctly adjusted workplace keeps you and your back healthy! Ms. Weber supports you with quickly applicable and individual tips for the design of your workplace. This includes the correct adjustment of your computer workstation, as well as all work equipment such as chair, table and screen. When everything is well coordinated with each other and, most importantly, with you, it is the best health care you can practice. Do you need an ergonomic office chair? Ms. Weber can also provide you with expert advice on this topic.

Certified nutritionist and VDOE-certified nutritionist Anja Hassolt offers in the field of nutrition according to § 20 SGB V health days, lectures, seminars, workshops and individual counseling /s for companies in the greater Stuttgart area and online Germany-wide. She designs her nutrition recommendations and cooking workshops individually and flexibly according to the previous knowledge of your employees. The aim is to integrate a healthy diet with pleasure into the daily work of your employees in the long term, so that they remain healthy and productive.
Main topics:
- Jobfood – Brainfood – Meal Prep
- Sustainable nutrition (e.g. superfoods exotic vs. regional)
- Canteen check
- Mindfulness in nutrition
- Fasting
- Anti-inflammatory diet
- Nutrition for special working conditions (e.g. shift work, field service, training)
- Online formats (live cooking, interactive web seminars, one-on-one nutrition counseling).
For more information, please visit: https://ernaehrung-mit-aheffekt.de/
The concept of SPORTIVATION is based on the latest findings and methods of sports and nutrition sciences, psychology and communication sciences. The young and vital team impresses not only with its dynamic commitment, but also with its extraordinary competence in questions of modern health concepts.
The entire concept is supported by a high level of communication among all SPORTIVATIONS employees. Sensitive and at the same time goal-oriented, the special programs are tailored to the individual user.
- Holistic workplace health promotion and health management
- Implementation of measures, seminars and workshops on site and online
- Participation and leadership of health circles, development and implementation of health awareness in companies
- Implementation of evaluation measures
- Large team of exercise, nutrition and relaxation experts
Saneware develops software solutions for company integration management and health management. Saneware’s software enables the digital, audit-proof organization and documentation of measures relating to occupational integration and occupational health management. The free toolbox for occupational health management offers companies the opportunity to find suitable measures for occupational health management. In addition to our SALUTION offer, numerous providers of occupational health management measures are listed here.